Fence That Roof!

I was working in the training division and we acquired a three-story building we were going to have training fires in.  But first we had to remove the asphalt shingles from the roof (necessary when burning a house for training purposes to avoid pollution from burning roof shingles).

I had two crews working [on the roof] when a guy from the Department of Labor and Industries drove up (governmental workplace safety official).  He told me I couldn't have people up there without perimeter railings.  I told him "We are the fire department, we don't work with railings.  Now if you will excuse me, we have work to do."

Mr. DLI told me "Let me put it this way Lieutenant, if those people aren't down here in five minutes, I am going to write your department a $5,000 citation".

Here I thought I was the man but found out I was listening to the man!

Submitted by Ron Berry (Seattle Fire)


Where’s My “Chompers”


They put Perrier water in their radiators and in their fire rehab stations.