Look at The Impact You Have Had as RFFOW Members!

Just wanted to let all of you know about the reach of your website and our message of gathering people together to protect your LEOFF 1 and LEOFF 2 pensions and LEOFF 1 medical benefits.  The new website has gotten tremendous activity since it was updated in February of this year.  We have people from many different countries that visit the website from all over the world.

Here is the breakdown in only a few short months:  United States (6,220 visitors from 43 different states), Canada (41 visitors), China (22 visitors), Republic of Korea (21 visitors), Mexico (16 visitors), Singapore (11 visitors), Philippines (6 visitors), Ireland (6 visitors), Morocco (5 visitors), Netherlands (4 visitors), Australia (3 visitors), Hungary (3 visitors), Portugal (2 visitors), and United Kingdom (2 visitors).  And we have had at least one visitor from all of the following countries: Germany, France, India, Italy, Myanmar, Poland, Saudi Arabia, and Vietnam.

What an awesome reach, thanks to all of you for your diligent support as RFFOW members.


Everybody Loves a Good Laugh!


What You Don’t Know About Your LEOFF 1 Pension Fund.